When I was a little girl, I remember we always had an Advent wreath in our house. Each year we would climb up the attic stairs and pull out the Christmas decorations and there it was. Our wreath wasn’t particularly pretty. The plastic green leaves were twisted from years of use. It had no glitter and didn’t light up; yet, it was special. It signified Christ was coming.
Advent is a season of hope. If you don’t believe me, just turn on your television set this season and on at least two channels, day or night, you can catch the movie classic “It’s a Wonderful Life.” It is the story of George Bailey and how he discovers how important it is to cherish life now.
Advent is our wake-up call to be thankful for the life we have been given and to look forward to the possibilities. May you and your family experience this gift of hope as we anticipate Christ’s birth, and may we realize the many blessings we have in our family, our work, and in our school community.
It is a wonderful life!
Lynn Brown
As we make the journey towards Christ’s birth, this mystery reminds us of the hope His coming brings to all of us. We just have to be open to His love through the actions of others focusing less on our imperfections and more on the good in each other.
Below is a note from one of our parents who has had her children make the journey through our school since Pre-Kindergarten. She believes as a school we have much to be thankful for. So do I!
Good morning Mrs. Brown,
I felt compelled to reach out to you. Every second of the Middle School meeting the other night is the reason I get on my knees and thank God that my girls go to Blessed Sacrament. No school in this state does what BSS does. No school in this world has teachers who are this dedicated and this passionate about education for our children. And it’s not just the education, it’s also the preparation for being a good person in this big, bad world.
One of my absolute favorite things about BSS is the motto: believe. To me, that is one of the most powerful words in the English dictionary. And it is why I live and breathe, because I do believe. I believe in my girls and that is why I think this school and all that makes it tick, is practically perfect.
You run the best show in town, Ma’am. I am eternally grateful that my girls get to live it. Your teachers and staff are a phenomenal reflection of what it means to inspire and live in a world with God and the Catholic teachings. It takes a village.
Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Respectfully yours,
Erika Williams