1. Never do for a child what they can do for themselves
  • Model tasks for them
  • Give them a chance to try it
  • Don’t expect perfection


  1. Put down strong roots
  • Set clear boundaries
  • Communicate values/principles
  • Set priorities
  • Provide a clear spiritual foundation


  1. Treat each child as unique with unique potential
  • Acknowledge their unique talents and support them
  • Never compare siblings
  • Never criticize them for who they are not
  • Give them uninterrupted, alone time with you


  1. Leave plenty of room for mistakes
  • Praise the effort, not the outcome
  • Encourage risk taking by modeling
  • Never “fix” their mistakes
  • Be sure to laugh at your own mistakes


  1. Encourage your children to think for themselves
  • Encourage them to ask questions
  • Challenge them to question commonly held beliefs
  • Don’t answer/solve their questions. Ask more questions.


  1. Be real
  • Do sacrifice your good time for time with your children
  • Be spontaneous sitting down and spending time with your children (when you should be cleaning the house)
  • Allow your house to be messy, lived in, and reflective of a home where love abounds- not just order
  • Don’t over checklist, prescribe, plan for your children. Live in the moment
  • Make sure you continue to have something in common or a shared interest (or you will lose them at 13)