Application Fee

$55 per online application (due at the time of submittal); for families applying for multiple students in the same school year: $25 for all subsequent applications at Blessed Sacrament School Savannah.


New Families: $500 tuition commitment deposit per family (due by May 1 or within 2 weeks of acceptance) to join the community of Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.


New Families: $250 per family (due at the time of submittal of Continuous Enrollment Agreement) at Blessed Sacrament School.

Existing Families: $250 per family, due March 15th of the current school year.


Please view our current tuition and fee schedule on the Blessed Sacrament School Savannah website (Insert link).

Blessed Sacrament has three tiers of tuition: 

In Parish/Participating Catholics (Grades K-8)

For participating Catholic families, we are able to offer a discounted tuition rate due to the generous support of our Deanery and Blessed Sacrament Church, who support Blessed Sacrament School with subsidies for their parishioners.

  • Catholic sibling tuition discounts:
    • 1st Child: Full Catholic Tuition
    • 2nd Child: $1000 Discount
    • 3rd Child: 50% Discount
    • 4th Child: No tuition charged

To qualify for the Catholic tuition rate, each year Blessed Sacrament must receive a Parish Subsidy Request (Insert parish subsidy hyperlink) signed by your Pastor.  More details on our Parish Subsidy policy are below.

Out of Parish/Participating Catholics (Grades K-8) 

All grade levels: Additional $1000.00 per child (only for out of parish churches with schools). Sibling discounts are available. See policy on school subsidies below.

Non-Participating Catholics and Non-Catholic Rate (Grades K-8)

The full tuition rate applies. No sibling discount.

Pre-Kindergarten Tuition

The Pre-Kindergarten rate is the same for all students.


Fees vary by grade level and cover essential materials and technology provided at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. These fees are due in the 1st installment of the payment plan and are non-refundable

Student fees cover the cost of the necessary classroom materials, textbooks, activities, campus security and technology that we provide for your children. Fees for the current year are below and are updated in February for the upcoming school year. 

Chromebooks are a required purchase for 5th Grade students (and new students in 6th-8th). Students use Chromebooks in upper school for daily assignments. The Chromebook will be released to families upon graduation from 8th grade or withdrawal.


Payment plans include tuition, student fees, and Chromebook (if applicable). Managed in FACTS, our Student Information and Tuition Management Software at Blessed Sacrament School. New families will be required to set up a payment plan during the online enrolment process. Your family will be automatically re-enrolled in the same payment plan every year. To change your payment plan, please contact the Accounting Manager. 

Managed in FACTS, our Student Information and Tuition Management Software at Blessed Sacrament School.

Blessed Sacrament offers three payment plan options:

Option Payment Due
Full Payment July 1
Two Equal Payments July 1 and December 1
10 Monthly Payments August through May

All other expenses are billed as incidental expenses and are not included in your payment plan amount. This includes, but is not limited to, athletics, lunch, school supplies, school events, library fines, and Extended Day Program.


At the meeting of the Priests of the Savannah Deanery, which took place at the Benedictine Priory on January 6, 2015, the following policy was proposed and accepted unanimously by the Priests:

  1. No parish which has a parish school will pay any subsidy to another Catholic school for a student whose family chooses not to attend their parish school, unless there is no room for that student in the parish school. At the discretion of the Pastor, a subsidy may be paid for a student to attend another Catholic school when there are special circumstances or needs.
  2. Each Catholic school in the Savannah Deanery should have a three-tiered tuition schedule. There should be:
  • An In-Parish Catholic Tuition
  • An Out-of-Parish Catholic Tuition
  • A Non-Catholic Tuition

The difference between the In-Parish Catholic Tuition and the Out-of-Parish Catholic Tuition will be $1000.00. This will also be the amount of subsidy paid on behalf of each student by a Parish which has no Catholic School. Students will continue to qualify for parish subsidy based upon the criteria established by each individual parish.

This Policy was proposed and drafted by a Committee of the Priests, in conjunction with the Principals of the Catholic Schools in the Savannah Deanery, which met on December 9, 2014 at Blessed Sacrament Parish. It was voted upon and approved by all the Priests of the Deanery at the January 6th meeting. This policy ensures fair tuition practices across the Savannah Deanery, including Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.

Financial Assistance

Blessed Sacrament has a limited amount of financial aid available through support of our Parish (Blessed Sacrament Church), G.R.A.C.E Scholars, and The Diocese of Savannah. Interested families must complete a FACTS Grant & Aid application to determine eligibility for tuition assistance. FACTS Grant & Aid applications are available starting in January and are due by March 1 for the upcoming school year. Please be aware of the following: 

  1. Deadline to complete for upcoming school year- March 1 
  2. Most recently filed tax returns are required, along with last year’s W-2’s. 
  3. The online FACTS Grant & Aid applications must be completed and show a financial need to be considered for any financial assistance. Click here to create your FACTS account or to sign in. 

If applying for the G.R.A.C.E. Scholarship, the G.R.A.C.E. application must be printed, completed, and submitted to Blessed Sacrament School (along with the required documents) in addition to completing the FACTS Grant & Aid application online.


G.R.A.C.E. (Georgia Residents Assisting Children’s Education) provides  scholarships at Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, this program helps children from families with financial need in grades PreK-12 for use at approved Catholic schools located in the state of Georgia. To be eligible for a G.R.A.C.E. award, a student must be a resident of the state of Georgia, demonstrate financial need, and meet the eligibility requirements. Please visit the G.R.A.C.E. Scholars website to learn more about how to apply. 

Interested in supporting G.R.A.C.E Scholars at Blessed Sacrament School? You can help deserving students receive an excellent Catholic education at no cost to you. In exchange for your contribution to GRACE Scholars, you will receive a 100% state income tax credit. 

If you have any questions or would like more information about financial aid or the school’s tuition and fees structure, please contact Blessed Sacrament School’s accounting manager, Katie Tambon at or by calling 912-298-5457.