Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Board

The Blessed Sacrament School Board, integral to the governance of Blessed Sacrament School, one of the leading Catholic schools in Savannah, plays a crucial advisory role. The Board upholds the school’s philosophy, mission, and close affiliation with the Parish, emphasizing the significance of Catholic education for the spiritual and academic development of children.


Regular meetings are held at least four times per year from September to June or as otherwise decided by the School Board. An annual retreat is held prior to the beginning of the school year and constitutes a planning meeting wherein committee assignments shall be handed out and goals for the upcoming year discussed. The entire School Board then meets every other month during the school year, w ith the committees meeting on the alternating months. Meetings are held regularly throughout the academic year, fostering collaborative planning and decision-making crucial for maintaining the standard of excellence associated with Blessed Sacrament School Savannah.


All School Board members are expected to serve on a standing committee.Each standing committee shall have such authority and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to it by the Principal. The Principal shall assign committee memberships, including committee chairs, in consultation with the Board President Our dedicated committees are essential for the smooth operation and continued success of Blessed Sacrament Catholic School.

Membership on any Board Committee shall not be limited to members of the Board.

The School Board shall have the following Standing Committees: 

  • Finance
  • Communications 
  • Facilities

Ad Hoc Committees

The School Board may appoint such ad-hoc committees as it deems advisable and may discontinue the same at its discretion.


The officers of the School Board will be the President, Vice President and Secretary. The leadership roles are critical for guiding the School Board’s activities, ensuring that Blessed Sacrament School Savannah remains a beacon of educational and spiritual excellence within the private schools Savannah landscape.


The President shall preside at all meetings of the School Board, shall make all committee appointments, shall prepare the agenda for all meetings of the School Board with the Principal (in collaboration with the Pastor as needed); and, in general, shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of President. 

Vice President

The Vice President, in the absence of the President, or at his/her request, shall perform the duties and exercise the functions of the President and, when so acting, shall have the authority of the President and shall perform such other duties as are delegated by the President.


The Secretary maintains written record of all acts of the School Board; handles all correspondence for the Board; preserves reports and documents; notifies members of date and time of meetings; distributes meeting agendas and committee reports at least 48 hours in advance; distributes minutes following each meeting; e-mails materials if possible. Minutes of all School Board meetings shall be prepared and filed at the School and forwarded to all board members. 

Election and Term of Office: Officers of the School Board shall be appointed by the Principal for a term of one year.