Boosterthon Irish Fun Run Set for Feb. 2

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is partnering with Boosterthon to promote fitness, character, and leadership through a new fun run fundraiser. The Boosterthon Irish Fun Run is a program beginning in January 2024 and ending with a fun run on February 2, 2024. Students will be given an event t-shirt and will set goals for running laps at Daffin Park on February 2. In the weeks leading up to the run, students will be encouraged to raise pledges, hear inspiring stories from kids who have made a difference in their community, and earn “Dude Perfect”-themed prizes. On the day of the run, students will run or walk for about 30 minutes on a specially designed minitrack with music, fellowship, and fun!

Sponsorships will help with the cost of t-shirts and other costs associated with hosting the event at Daffin Park. Sponsorship levels range from $150 to $600. Learn more about Boosterthon Irish Fun Run sponsorships here

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